>The World of Jule Eisenbud
The World of Jule Eisenbud 13 minute monitor work housed in tent structure in 2010 edition
Lindsay Seers’ attempt to become a camera is linked to the curious life
of Ted Serios, a psychic performer who claimed to be able to create photographic images solely by ‘projecting his thoughts’ onto film. The narrator is identified as Rufus Eisenbud, son of Dr Jule Eisenbud, the psychologist who investigated and documented the abilities of
Ted Serios in the 1960s. We are told that Dr Eisenbud met Lindsay Seers in Amsterdam and was struck by the consonance between the odd distortions and imperfections of Serios’ so-called thoughtographs and the mouth-photographs being created by the artist. Unravelling the reasons for Seers’ obsessive practices becomes an obsession for
Dr Eisenbud.
© Lindsay Seers, 2020.